Leveraging The Power Of Two Is Powerful And Life Changing

Leveraging The Power Of Two Is Powerful And Life Changing

The Power of Two: Leveraging The Power Of Two Is Powerful And Life-Changing. Like anything else in life, you must grow. It takes time and effort. You would not put a plant in the ground and expect fruit the next day. So be patient.

Similarly, you have to do the right things to take care of your spiritual growth and development. You must nurture your success. The steps are simple. Don’t overthink it. Keep it simple. Just follow the instructions.

Two is a small number. and it is the focus of this ministry. God says in His Word; “Where 2 or more are gathered in my name, there I am in the mist of them” (Matthew 18:20). This is the main reason why Leveraging The Power Of Two Is Powerful And Life Changing.

The principle behind this concept is working together to enrich each other’s lives to leverage our physical and spiritual resources. Which is why Leveraging The Power Of Two Is Powerful And Life Changing.

It can become overwhelming to think that you have to go it alone once you realize all of the changes that must take place in your life to be a disciple of Christ.

That is why having others to walk you through the process and sow into your life is so important and makes the process enjoyable and more effective.

In the kingdom of God, if you believe, you will see the glory of God at work in the natural.

You will not see it in the natural if you do not believe first in the divine realm. Acting on what God has said, His word that you say you believe in. God has a revealed will, and He has a secret will. Deuteronomy. 29 verse 29

You will never see God’s secret will until you follow His revealed will, doing what He told you to do. Until you do what He has told you, you will not see His unrevealed plan. This is why Leveraging The Power Of Two Is Powerful And Life-Changing.

The solution is always there but is not revealed until obedience is complete. If you do not give God something to see, you may not see what God can provide.

That is why we need a strong support system in the community, people who will support and carry you when you cannot help yourself.

People who care about you, who will cry with you, pray for you, and are willing to help you get your breakthrough! Leveraging The Power Of Two Is Powerful And Life-Changing when we help each other in this manner.

Those who are spiritual (who understand how the spiritual realm works) are to come along and help them through the situation, not try to fix it. James 1:2 through 4

Therefore, you want only spiritually mature believers who can discern what is of God and what is not. Believers who understand how the spiritual realm works because those who do not will only be led away from God.

God says that understanding the spiritual world is so important that you should highly value spiritual input. This is why Leveraging The Power Of Two Is Powerful And Life-Changing.

You should support and highly value that ministry or person who teaches you how the spiritual realm works and guides you out of the negative side of this law, which is sowing to the flesh. 1 Corinthians 9:12

Therefore, everyone in your church should be getting help to be delivered or helping someone get delivered because if you are helping someone get delivered, you will have someone to help you and others get delivered.

Five steps to spiritual growth and development

1. Commit yourself to God: The most important person you will ever need is YOU. When you

believe that God is working through this ministry, you will be confident when talking to others

outside of this ministry about why you are here. Your entire objective must be to glorify God and

not please people. This is essential for you to stay true to the process.

2. Be teachable: Even though you may have been very successful in other ventures and other

ministries, most people who join this ministry are new to the process. Therefore, it is important that you have faith in the membership and follow the instructions of those who have succeeded before you.

3. Stay Informed: Participate in weekly training webinars. Be familiar with the most recent

teachings on the website and printed materials. Read and study the Church Constitution and

Bylaws and Church Covenant. Read and study the church doctrine and theology to become confident when asked what we believe and why.

4. Study, study, study: The key to spiritual growth is to ensure proper training. That training is done by the Holy Spirit, whose responsibility it is to lead you into all the truth about God even the deep things. (John 16 verse 13)

Therefore, you must study the Word of God on a regular basis. You should be well versed in the books that the church is going through in bible study and the sermons. These should be your focus of study but not limited to.

5. Be a leader: This is your life! Take responsibility to make the effort, time and energy required to build and maintain a relationship with God and other members. Influence is the key.

It all begins with you. As you grow to become a leader, assist other members in becoming leaders themselves.

Now is the time to engage. Start doing the little things daily to make the big things happen later.

Today, While You Hear My Voice, Harden Not Your Heart!

 The Principle: Tomorrow’s Not Promised” is true.

Now is the time to take control of your life.

You are perfectly positioned for this opportunity……. NOW!

It all starts with you! Investing in your spiritual growth and development is the greatest

investment you will ever make in your life.

When Adam disobeyed God, he lost his authority to carry out God’s will for his life to Satan, making Satan the ruler of this world and his life. Adam’s disobedience also sold mankind into slavery to Satan. (John 14: 30; Romans .6:20 through 21)

Therefore, carrying out God’s plan for your life will require you to operate in your God-given spiritual authority. Your acceptance of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior guarantees that the principalities and powers have already submitted to your authority. (Ephesians. 6:10 through 18)

Authority is the key because spiritual character is not measured by the impressiveness of words but by the power of your life. (Matthew 7:21 through 23).

This ministry will teach you how to effectively exercise that authority. and see why Leveraging The Power Of Two Is Powerful And Life Changing.

As a believer, your God-given authority gives you the authority to carry out God’s will for “YOUR” life. (1Thesselonians. 4: 3 through 7)

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