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Building Your New Life

Just like anything else in life, you must grow also. It takes time and effort. You would not put a plant in the ground and expect fruit the next day. Similarly, you have to do the right things to take care of your spiritual growth and development. You must nurture your success. The steps are simple. Don’t overthink it. Keep it simple. Just follow instructions.         

The power of “2”

Two is a small number and it is the focus of this ministry. God says in His Word; “Where 2 or more are gathered in my name there I am in the mist of them” (Matthew 18:20). The principle behind this concept is working together to enrich each other’s lives to leverage our physical and spiritual resources.

It can become overwhelming to think that you have to go it alone; once you realize all of the changes that must take place in your life to be a disciple of Christ. That is why having others to walk you through the process and sowing into your life is so important and makes the process enjoyable and more effective.

Five steps to spiritual growth and development

  1. Commit yourself to God: The most important person you will ever need is YOU. When you believe that God is working through this ministry you will be confident when talking to others outside of this ministry about why you are here. Your entire objective must be to glorify God and not please people. This is essential for you to stay true to the process.

Now is the time to engage. Start doing the little things daily that will make the big things happen later.

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