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A Better Covenant

Cont.The New Covenant and Its Impact on the Relationship between God and His People - Heb. 8.1-13
A Better Covenant

A Better Ministry            Heb. 8:1-13                                                 June 22, 2024


As we read today’s text, Hebrew chapter eight, we explore the concept of the new covenant, revealing great knowledge and insight to believers.

The text stresses the superiority of the new covenant brought by Jesus Christ and explores its transformative impact on the relationship between God and His people.

Throughout the passage, the text highlights the “better promises” of the new covenant and underscores the significant shift from the old covenant to this renewed, more intimate form of connection with God.

As we engage with this text, I want you to reflect on the practical applications of these “better promises” and how they shape our daily lives and interactions with others.

We seek that outcome. How do the new covenant’s better promises shape our daily lives and interactions with others?

We will be coming from Heb. 8: 1-13. Read

Our topic is “ The New Covenant and Its Impact on the Relationship between God and His People.”

  1. The text in verses 1-6 discusses how Jesus Christ, as the high priest, offers a more excellent ministry and serves as the mediator of a better covenant.

The “better promises” mentioned in the text refer to the promises of the new covenant being superior to those of the old covenant.

The new covenant differs from the old covenant in that it involves a more intimate relationship with God. His laws are written in the hearts and minds of the people, and He will be merciful towards their wrongdoings, unlike the old covenant, which was based on external laws and offerings.

In verse 12, the text also states that the old covenant is becoming obsolete and growing old because the new covenant made it obsolete, bringing about a more profound and everlasting relationship between God and His people.

This text addresses the very core of our beliefs and our connection with God. The passage reminds us of the incredible promise of a new covenant brought to us by Jesus Christ, who serves as a high priest and the mediator of this better covenant.

This symbolizes a transition from the old, traditional ways to a new, enlightened path. This beautifully mirrors our own personal journeys, as we let go of past limitations and embrace the transformative power of the new covenant

The “better promises” mentioned in the text indicate the superior nature of the new covenant over the old. It assures us of a more intimate relationship with God, where His laws are written in our hearts and minds and where He shows mercy and forgiveness toward our wrongdoings.

This covenant offers us a direct and personal connection with God, unlike the old covenant, which was based on external laws and offerings. It assures that we will all know God, from the least to the greatest among us.

The new covenant brings new hope, a fresh start, and an everlasting bond with our Creator. Through this covenant, we are granted the grace and ability to truly know God, from the least to the greatest among us. It speaks of a profound and transformational relationship that transcends the limitations of the old covenant.

So, how does the new covenant, with its better promises, shape our daily lives and interactions with others?

It offers humanity a fresh start. Jesus, in His profound wisdom, said, “I came so that they would have life and have it abundantly. Life is the essence of human existence, a self-conscious fountain of intelligence.

It’s a life filled with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love, He predestined us to be adopted as sons and daughters through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will.

Through this new covenant, God’s divine power has granted us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. Through these, He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world on account of lust. 2Pet. 1:3,4

The placement of the first man in Eden beautifully illustrated the divine concept of living an abundant life. The name ‘Eden ‘, originated from Hebrew, signifies a ‘place of pleasure ‘. In the Bible, Eden is portrayed as God’s garden of paradise, a place of perfect harmony and abundance, where Adam and Eve were blessed to dwell.

Living abundantly means having a life filled with spiritual blessings and purpose, experiencing a deep connection with God, and being able to impact the lives of others positively.

It is about finding joy and fulfillment in relationships, personal growth, and in serving others. This concept also encompasses embracing gratitude, contentment, and inner peace regardless of external circumstances. Ultimately, living abundantly means living in alignment with your faith in God and values and striving to make a meaningful difference in the world around you.

Jesus did not come to fix our old life. He came to give us an opportunity to have an entirely new life. We are not here to help get the things of the world and get you out of trouble. We are here to help wean you off of the things of the world and walk you through trouble. Phil.3: 8; James1:3-6, 1 John 2:15-17

We are not here to solve the world’s problems but to establish a new culture representing heaven, living a self-controlled life characterized by righteousness and abundance through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Creating a community and environment on Earth that reflects the values and virtues of heaven. It’s living a life guided by self-discipline, moral purity, and spiritual abundance empowered by the Holy Spirit. This concept includes promoting virtues such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, as mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23.2 Tim. 2:4

We are not here to teach you how to be famous but to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, attend to your own business, and work with your hands so that you will behave properly toward outsiders and not be in any need. 1 Thess. 4:11,12

The phrase “establish a new culture representing heaven, living a self-controlled life characterized by righteousness and abundance through the power of the Holy Spirit” means, 

Walking by the Spirit prevents you from carrying out the desire of the flesh. For the desire of the flesh is against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, to keep you from doing whatever you want. Gal. 5:16,17

Living a life guided by self-discipline, moral purity, and spiritual abundance involves submitting to and applying biblical ethical principles, maintaining a strong connection to your spiritual beliefs, and consistently making choices that align with these values.

It also involves regularly and thoughtfully studying the word of God, praying, and meditating on it to stay focused on spiritual growth and development.

To be weaned off the things of the world and walk through trouble, you must choose to prioritize self-control, resilience, and reliance on your faith rather than relying solely on material possessions or external solutions.

This involves seeking support from a spiritual community, engaging in self-analysis, and embracing the concept of surrendering to God’s will when faced with challenges. James 4:7

Establishing a new culture representing heaven in everyday life involves embodying and promoting virtues such as compassion, forgiveness, kindness, and generosity in interactions with others.

It also includes creating a supportive and inclusive community that reflects the values of love and harmony. This can be accomplished through acts of service, fostering meaningful connections, and demonstrating empathy and understanding towards others. Matt. 6:10

Jesus went through all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness.

Seeing the crowds, He felt compassion for them because they were distressed and downcast, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, plead with the Lord of the harvest to send workers into His harvest.” Matt. 9:35-38

The teachings of Jesus mentioned in the text can inspire people in their daily lives in several ways. For instance, Jesus’ message about living abundantly can inspire individuals to seek spiritual fulfillment and purpose.

This can lead to a deepened connection with their faith and a desire to positively impact others positively. Additionally, Jesus’ emphasis on compassion and service to others can inspire people to actively seek ways to help those in need and make a meaningful difference in their communities.

Overall, Jesus’s teachings serve as a powerful source of inspiration for individuals seeking to live with purpose, compassion, and a commitment to serving others. For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, God’s building. 1 Cor. 3:9

Although God has written His words on your heart, He also knew you would need someone to prepare you for service.

So, He gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelists, some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ. Eph. 4:1016

Our responsibility is to give you spiritual advice and counsel to help you make decisions that are best for your spiritual growth and development. We train you in the word of righteousness so that your senses will be trained to discern what is of God and what is not. Heb. 5: 11-14

One way to apply the message of compassion and service to others in the community is by actively seeking out opportunities to volunteer and help those in need.

This could involve participating in community service projects, volunteering at local shelters or food banks, or getting involved in programs that aim to support marginalized individuals or families.

Additionally, practicing daily acts of kindness and empathy towards others, regardless of their circumstances, can also be a meaningful way to embody the message of compassion in the community. By actively looking for ways to serve and support others, individuals can create a more compassionate and caring community for everyone.

Therefore, from now on, we recognize no one by the flesh; even though we have known Christ by the flesh, we now know Him in this way no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, this person is a new creation; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. 2 Cor. 5:14-17

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility, consider one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also the interests of others.

Do all things without complaining or arguments so that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world, holding firmly the word of life. Phil. 2:3,4,14-16

Someone can see themselves as a worker in God’s field by recognizing that they have a role in sharing and embodying God’s love and teachings in the world.

This can involve actively seeking opportunities to spread positivity, kindness, and empathy in their interactions with others. Additionally, it can mean living in alignment with their faith and values and striving to positively impact the lives of those around them.

Recognizing yourself as a worker in God’s field can influence interactions with others by fostering a sense of responsibility to act with love and compassion and to be a source of support and encouragement for others.

This mindset can shape the way individuals approach relationships, conflicts, and opportunities to help others, ultimately contributing to a more interconnected and caring community.

The “better promises” of the new covenant can manifest in our daily interactions with others in various ways.

For example, the promise of God’s mercy and forgiveness towards our wrongdoings can inspire us to extend similar compassion and forgiveness to those around us, fostering a more empathetic and understanding approach to our interactions.

Additionally, the promise of a direct and personal connection with God encourages us to seek unity and connection with others, promoting a sense of community and mutual support in our daily lives.

Finally, the promise of a fresh start and an everlasting bond with our Creator can instill hope and positivity in our interactions, allowing us to uplift and encourage others through our words and actions.

Practical example: Rom. 12:3-21: Read

The new covenant’s “better promises” can translate into practical implications for our daily lives and interactions with others by offering us a fresh start and a deep connection with God.

This can empower us to live abundantly, aligning with our faith and values by experiencing spiritual blessings, finding joy, and serving others.

Living abundantly can make a meaningful difference in the world around us by allowing us to impact the lives of others positively and striving to make a meaningful difference in the world around us.

Remember God always crushes you when he wants to make you powerful. Never forget, it is a process with God. Without pain, there would be no growth. So, accept and embrace the pain. God is only asking you if you really want to achieve your goals. Isaiah 53:10

I can guarantee you that when you start walking with God, people will stop walking with you. not because they don’t like you but because you are about to sacrifice things they are unwilling to.

When God takes you into deep waters, not everyone will be able to swim with you. However, do not confuse movement with progress because you can run in place but not get anything done. This walk is not about what you gain or achieve; it is about what are you becoming. Psalm 69:1-12

Take a moment and think: Are you moving forward? Who are you taking with you, and how are you improving things with God’s power?

You have a gift you were born with it. Now, it’s time for you to develop that gift. You must do everything necessary to protect it and then share it.

The process won’t be easy but trust in God’s plan. Keep pushing forward, and never give up. Inspired by a quote from Denzel Washington

In closing,

In conclusion, the new covenant with its “better promises” reshapes our daily lives and interactions with others by offering us a fresh start and the opportunity to live abundantly.

It provides us with a more intimate relationship with God, fills our lives with spiritual blessings, and grants us the ability to impact the lives of others positively.

Embracing this transformative covenant allows us to find joy, purpose, and inner peace, and empowers us to make a meaningful difference in the world around us.

Let us hold onto these “better promises” and walk confidently in the grace and knowledge of God, knowing that we are partakers of a divine nature, and that through Him, we can live a life that is truly abundant.

Meditate on these things, and Hear what the Lord is saying.

Be blessed and be a blessing to all you come in contact with today. So that the world will now that hope and deliverance is here.

“Until The Whole World Knows”  Amen. Amen.

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