“Just What I Was Looking For” 

“Just What I Was Looking For” 

When you were a child, or maybe even as an adult, did you, like me, ever wonder what it would be like to be a part of a family other than your own; the one you had no part in choosing?   It may have been for any number of reasons.  

Maybe it was because you didn’t feel like you fit in or belonged in your own family, not feeling loved or accepted by anyone; your parent(s) wasn’t there for you, or you believed being a part of another family would have given you more privileges and advantages in life. 

 Furthermore, could it have been because there were some things going on in your family that you knew just weren’t supposed to be happening?; or it just may have been at that moment when things weren’t going the way you wanted them to go?  Nevertheless, the thought of being a part of another family possibly crossed your mind a time or two or more.

Well, we no longer have to wonder; we can all experience what it’s like to be a part of another family since God has invited all of us to be a part of his family! You might be wondering why we need an invitation since many believe we are all born God’s children. https://youtu.be/ySz9ePVvwEA

Well, that was God’s original plan.  However,  Adam, being just like us at times and not being content with his family, thought the grass was greener elsewhere.  Therefore, He disobeyed his Father (God), which unfortunately led to him and all of humanity being banished from the family of God.  

However, God, through the death of His beloved son, Jesus, made a way for us to become a part of His family once again if we should choose to be (John 3:16).   Have you accepted God’s invitation to be a part of His family by being born again? (John 3:3-6)   How do you know?

Being born again into the family of God gives you acceptance, along with all the privileges and advantages and anything else you will ever need in life!  At the moment of your new birth, God, being the awesome Father He is, gives you every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm in Christ (Eph.1:1-14).  The most important blessing being the Holy Spirit, which is given to confirm that you belong in the family, guaranteeing your inheritance in the kingdom of God.

You never have to worry about your Father not being there for you because He said He will never leave or forsake His children(Hebrews 13:5 ), and neither can anything or anyone separate you from His love(Rom. 8:35-39).  

Furthermore, He provides all of your needs according to His riches in glory (Phil. 4:19). Are you really enjoying the benefits of being a part of God’s family?  Are you experiencing the peace and joy of being His child?  Describe what that looks like in your life.  If you’re not experiencing the benefits, you must ask why because God is not a liar.  You don’t need God to live a miserable or even a mediocre life.  You can do that without Him.  With God, we can and should live an extraordinary life.

Just like the Father has the responsibility of taking care of and providing for His family, as His children, we have obligations as well.  The first and most important is to show our Father that we love and trust Him.  We do that by obeying His commands and believing what He says (1 John 5:1-3; Heb. 11:6) 

 Do your thoughts, words, and actions show that you love your Father?  No greater joy does the Father have than to see His children imitating Him! (Eph. 5:1-12).  Being the loving Father, He is, He has given us all that we need to be like Him (2 Pet. 1:3-4).  He has even put Himself, the Holy Spirit, in us to ensure that we are able to do it (John 14:15-17, 26; Ezekiel 36:26-27; John 16:13-14)

 Do you really believe you can be like God, your Father?  What does your Father say about that?  Do you believe what He says?  Remember, that’s one of the ways you show your love for Him.

If you are certain that you have been born again into the family of God yet find yourself struggling to obey Him, could part of the problem be that you don’t believe what He says?  Make a decision today that you’re going to change your belief system to line up with God’s.  Thus, believe all that your Father says and trust Him to carry it out(Rom.12:2; Phil. 2:13; Phil. 1:6).

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