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Justice and Equality

Isaiah 59:11,14

As a born-again believer of African Heritage pursuing the mark of the high calling of righteous living, I find myself in these times struggling against the spirit of racism.

This spirit of racism has called for assistance from the spirit of anger and hatred to tempt me. They are crouching at the door of my heart waiting for an opportunity to control my state of mind. Gen. 4:6

The spirit of anger and hatred are on a mission to make me view Caucasians who seek to establish themselves as the superior race throughout the world in the minds of other races as my enemy. Eph. 6:12

In the Caucasians attempt to establish themselves as the superior race in the minds of other races they continue to murder my kindred in cold blood before the whole world supported by injustice, unrighteousness, and inequality, influenced by the spirit of pride, arrogance, and self-righteousness.

Over the past 50 years I have watched and participated briefly in marches and protest for justice and equality in the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness.

Deep down I believe that all who take this approach, believed it would touch the conscience of those Caucasians who have the power and influence to bring about true change would be moved to stand up against the influence of these depraved spirits working through their people.

I as well as most, deep down know that we do not have the resources or systems in place to fight and win such a battle through physical means.

Although the spirit of pride for generations has led us to fight this way, only to lose more innocent lives all in line with the enemy’s plan. This all, while justice stays silent, nothing changing but the faces and flavor.

The dilemma in this approach is that approximately 50 percent of Caucasians in this country openly support this system of injustice, unrighteousness and inequality influenced by the spirit of pride, arrogance, and self-righteousness. Rom. 2:8,9

Thirty to forty percent of the remaining quietly do nothing in fear of losing their privileges and benefits in their pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness.

The remaining ten to twenty percent are considered casualties of war by those who propagate this gross injustice and immoral behavior.

If I am to see good days and long life in my pursuit of the high calling of righteous living, I must master the spirits of anger and hatred who seek to influence me to make Caucasians my enemy.  2 Cor. 10: 3-6

My desire is for God to experience my love for Him as He has allowed me to experience His love for me. 1 John 3: 1-3

In my pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness and the mark of the high calling of righteousness, I choose to fight against my true enemy, the principalities and powers in heavenly places who are behind this madness, who have already been defeated. Eph. 6: 10-18; 1 Pet. 3:8-12

I choose to allow the Holy Spirit to continue to teach and empower me to love those the enemy wants me to hate, that I may not be distracted by his schemes.  Rom. 12:14-21

This is the only way to access the resources to win this battle for justice, righteousness, and equality for all, and position myself  to set all of the captives free.  Mark 3:23-27

“Until The Whole World Knows”!

Curtis Palmer

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