The Rose: Inspired by Gordon Mills,

The Rose: Inspired by Gordon Mills,

Some say loving God; it’s not for me

The human nature it will not feed

Some say loving God, it’s not for me

It causes the flesh to bleed

Truth is, loving God is man’s only need

Loving God produces a flower

and you are its seed

It’s the faith that goes unspoken

never giving God a chance

It’s those afraid of being broken

that never learn to dance

It’s those who won’t be taken

who themselves they refuse to give

It’s those afraid of dying

that never learn to live

When it seems the night will never end;

the journey has been so hard and long

and still you think that loving God makes

you weak and not strong

Just remember in the winter

deep beneath the bitter snow

lies a seed that with the Son’s love

in the spring becomes a rose

Written by Audrey Evans

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